Selection of Judicial Authorities

Judicial independence in Central America: problems and proposals

Even after several decades of judicial reforms and international assistance for judiciaries, judicial independence, transparency, and more in general, the quality of the administration of justice in Central America still leave much to be desired. A variety of initiatives have been undertaken, and a lot of money has been invested—without tangible results. This indicates that it is necessary to think out of the box as regards approaches to improve judicial independence in Central America.


Selecting the very best. The selection of high-level judges in the United States, Europe and Asia

This report, titled Selecting the very best: The selection of high-level judges in the United States, Europe and Asia, is a comparative study of judicial appointment practices across the globe.

The following is a review of how judges are selected in the United States and in a cross-section of European and Asian countries. The focus is upon the process for selecting the judges for the “Supreme” or highest court in each jurisdiction.

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