
Mexico is experiencing one of the most acute human rights crises of its history. Major corruption scandals, mass and systematic human rights violations, torture, murder, and spying against journalists and members of civil society are just some of the serious crimes that are being committed daily and that Mexico's Office of the Attorney General has been incapable of properly prosecuting. 
Civil society organizations made the decision to help find a solution. The group #FiscalíaQueSirva has brought together more than 100 human rights organizations, victims' associations, academics, journalists, and business leaders united in the goal of achieving real transformation through the design of a new Office of the Prosecutor General that is truly autonomous, robust, and able to meet current challenges. DPLF has supported this initiative since its inception, contributing from the international and comparative law perspective
On Tuesday, August 29, the groups #FiscalíaQueSirva and #VamosPorMás, joined under the slogan #VamosPorUnaFiscalíaQueSirva, publicly announced the presentation of a citizens' initiative to transform the current model of the Office of the Prosecutor General, safeguarding its autonomy. The main suggestions for reform contained in this citizens' proposal may be consulted here.
Principal milestones in this process:  

On February 10, 2014, the Mexican Constitution was amended to create a new Office of the Prosecutor General (Fiscalía General de la República) with autonomy from the Executive Branch, to replace the current Office of the Attorney General (Procuraduría General) that is currently part of that branch of government.

  • This constitutional reform introduced the so-called "automatic transfer," allowing the last Attorney General to automatically serve as the first Prosecutor General for nine years, without having gone through any selection process.
  • In December 2016, despite reiterated public demands for an open and transparent appointment (see here and here) , the President named an individual from his inner political and personal circle as the new Prosecutor General, giving rise to the criticism that this was a possible attempt to "shield" the new institution in order to guarantee impunity. The Senate confirmed this appointment without question.
  • Following these events, and given their impact on the country's human rights situation, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IAHCR) granted a public hearing in early 2017 to receive information about potential risks to the autonomy of the nascent institution.
  • Since that time, #FiscalíaQueSirva has been working to identify a suitable profile for the Prosecutor General and the minimum guarantees that should be provided in his or her appointment, as well as all other aspects that should be addressed in order to establish a truly autonomous, independent, and effective Office of the Prosecutor General, within the framework of the applicable international standards and making use of lessons learned from comparative experiences
  • The Mexican Congress is currently studying various initiatives to amend the constitution to eliminate the "automatic transfer." The member organizations of #VamosporunaFiscaliaQueSirva have insisted that said elimination is not enough, and that the constitution must be comprehensively reformed with respect to the rules for the new Office of the Prosecutor General.  
Key documents for understanding the process
Relevant videos and articles