
Advisory Opinion OC-23/17 Environment and Human Rights

This report analyzes the 2016 advisory opinion that Colombia requested from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in 2016, regarding the following issues:

  • What is the scope of application of the state obligations related to environmental protection that arise from the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR)?
  • What are the environmental obligations of states that arise from the obligations to protect and guarantee the rights to life and personal integrity enshrined in the ACHR?

Click on the image embedded below to view the report. 


Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Descent Communities, and Natural Resources

This report, titled Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Descent Communities, and Natural Resources, summarizes a report by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) on human rights protections in the context of extraction, exploitation, and development activities.

The nature of the rights at stake and the severity of the eects reported make the impact of these extractive activities a “priority issue in the region” and gave rise to the IACHR report.

The objectives of the IACHR report include:

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