Report on the Right to Self-Determination of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples: Infographic Summary

16 Feb 2023

Indigenous and tribal peoples in the Latin American region invoke the right to self-determination to defend their territories, ways of life, political and social institutions, among other rights. Despite this right being internationally recognized and acknowledged by some countries, these peoples face various challenges in making it a reality.

Understanding the link between the expressions of autonomy and self-determination of indigenous and tribal peoples with other fundamental rights is essential to redress the historical legacy of violence and discrimination they have suffered. Furthermore, the recognition of self-determination is of particular importance in fostering inclusive democracies and intercultural societies.

DPLF, with the support of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the Amazon University Program (PUAM), and the International Work Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), shares an infographic summary that systematizes the findings and standards contained in the IACHR report "Right to Self-Determination of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples".

This tool is an effort to expand and promote greater understanding of State obligations regarding indigenous self-determination.


Download the infographic summary here.


Versión en español disponible aquí. | Versão em português disponível aqui.