On this day, February 13, 2015, the Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF) launches the publication, Disciplinary proceedings of judges at the National Council of Justice, Peru, 2009-2013 (available in Spanish only), authored by Luis Pásara, DPLF's Senior Fellow and a recognized expert on judicial issues. The research project comprises the study of a sample of approximately 50 cases initiated since 2009 and closed by August 2014.
This publication reflects the interest of DPLF to analyze and share within Latin America the Peruvian experience in the design and management of the judicial disciplinary proceedings by a National Judicial Council, and thus contributes to improving the quality of other national efforts regarding judicial disciplinary systems that are still in early stages.
Furthermore, this research developed recommendations for improvement that we envision as useful tools for members of the Peruvian National Council of Justice as well as other sectors of the judicial system and civil society interested in strengthening this institution.