On Thursday, August 19, DPLF was awarded the 2021 IABA / LexisNexis Rule of Law Award, jointly granted by the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA) and LexisNexis, a company dedicated to the dissemination of legal information and analysis worldwide. This distinction aims to recognize the work of individuals and organizations of the legal community that have played an outstanding role in the advancement of the rule of law.
During the virtual award ceremony, Nigel H. Roberts, Vice President and Secretary of LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation, congratulated DPLF for its more than 20 years of providing technical assistance to local civil society organizations in the Latin American region, promoting dialogue with state actors and civil society, and for its leadership in generating opportunities for the exchange of information and experiences. Similarly, Roberto Flores de la Rosa, president of IABA, highlighted DPLF's achievements in favor of transparency and judicial independence, the separation of powers, and the defense of human rights.
In a context with important challenges for democracy in Latin America, DPLF is committed to actively contributing to the strengthening of the rule of law, promoting States' compliance with their international human rights obligations, whose guarantee is essential for social cohesion, inclusion, equality, freedom, and justice in the region.
DPLF extends our gratitude to those who have made this achievement possible: our staff, our board members, our donors, and the partner and allied organizations with whom we work to challenge injustices, denounce human rights violations, and demand action in the face of impunity, always harboring the hope of a better future.